Anita Tosh

Hi, and welcome to my website. I am Anita Tosh, author of Christian End-Time Fiction books. You can find a variety of genres on my blog such as Bible studies, devotionals, fun stories, Inspirational, Children's stories, poems, even funny or scary stories. And Now you can preview chapter(s) from my book in progress, "Beth". Take a look. We hope you find something here you will like. You can click on the ribbon above to visit other pages of my website or click below to donate. Thanks for stopping by. God Bless
ABOUT the Author
Anita Tosh is a California native, born again holy roller, grandmother of five exceedingly brilliant people, mother of two awesome ladies, and wife of the admirable Terry Tosh.
She was not much of a reader or writer while growing up and never thought she would write a book (she is not even a good speller). It all started when her husband began to read to her. Anita found out how enjoyable reading can be. They read books by D.E Stevenson. These books were mostly her personal journal made into a book. This inspired Anita to write a journal herself.
After years of journal writing, she was blessed with grandchildren who wanted someone to tell them a story. She found she had a knack for this and often made up a new story for them when they were together.
As they grew to middle school and high school, Anita was appalled at some of the disgusting reading they were given by their school. "I can do better than that," she thought.
And she did.
It took her years of starts and stops, but finally, "God's Armory", was ready. Later came "The Zella Chronicles" and "The Book of Jeremy"
Each are the first in a series. All are available in paperback and e-book. She is currently working on audio format.
Anita also loves to garden, bake, cook and sew. She is learning Hebrew and would like to build a cob house.